Information security is a subject in cyber-world which we can’t think away anymore. Data breaches can cost millions when sensitive information is leaked on the Internet. Zero-day exploits pop up for sale every day in deep web forums in return for Bitcoins. However, few exploits are disclosed in public domain once the vulnerability is patched by the vendor. This past year, we had over 6400 common vulnerabilities and exposures which were issued a CVE ID. There were few major bug fixes by the vendors serving backbone of the Internet. Here is the list of top 10 security vulnerabilities which came to light this year. 1. Dirty Cow (CVE-2016-5195) Discovered by Phil Oester, Dirty Cow , is a kernel vulnerability that allows any unprivileged existing user to escalate its privilege to root. Root is the highest privilege on any UNIX or LINUX system, which has access to all the files. This vulnerability is known as privilege escalation. COW (Change on Write) is a technique used by Linux to re...